The Three Best Outfit Tips For Meeting Women

couple on dateOk, here’s the deal guys: You need to dress to impress the ladies if you have any chance of success in your love life department. Unfortunately, a lot of guys simply have no idea how to dress these days (as we frequently discuss). Women certainly take note of these things and it can make all the difference in the world. So, I’m sick and tired of hearing about women complaining about guys who don’t know how to dress and I’m here to give you three tips that are guaranteed to help you succeed with the ladies.

Note: This is not to say that dressing to impress is the only thing you need to do to win a woman over, for more on this topic I recommend Bobby Rio’s Unlock Her Legs.

First, as a primer on this topic, dressing strictly for comfort is not in the cards here people. We all like to dress “comfortably” but when it comes to meeting women, you’ve got to have some style too! For starters, that means wearing something that isn’t too baggy, but not too tight either. What that means is that you need tailored clothing that will accentuate your body and compliment its natural shape.

Second, shoes are of vital importance. You’d be amazed at how important shoes are to women. After all, most women have several pairs of shoes. For whatever reason, for women, shoes make the man. That means, you can’t show up for a date wearing a ratty old pair of tennis shoes. You need to find a stylish yet comfortable shoe. You don’t want to go too formal so don’t go out and buy the most expensive Italian shoe on the market. Instead, do a little research on this guys—take a look at what’s recommended in the latest fashion magazine for this.

Third, never ever wear a sport coat with jeans. That should go without saying. We’re not living in the 90s anymore. Instead you need to find a nice shirt that is just the right balance of style and comfort along with a nice pair of jeans. Again, this will require some leg work and research on your part. Check out your local upscale department store and have the salespeople help you find what you need. That’s their job!

In the end, with a few simple alterations of your dress code, you can be a real hit with the ladies in no time at all.

For more tips on dating success watch the video below about a sneaky trick called “The Scrambler“…